I am a huge Pinterest addict. I pin and repin while I'm watching tv or movies. I pin and repin when I need to be doing other things. I pin and repin a lot. Too much, perhaps, but I keep on pinning and repinning -- loving every project I see and categorizing them into different topics.
If you don't know what Pinterest is, check this out. Click. I'll wait...
Ok. So, as I said... I am addicted. However, only until recently, I haven't really DONE anything with Pinterest, except collect ideas. Until recently. Well... this week actually. So, without further adieu... let me present my first BIG Pinterest project...
The Hot Cocoa Bar
I should first begin with volunteering. I am currently in charge of Hospitality and Event Planning for my son's middle school PTA. Last year, a group of my friends and I got together and created this new parent group of volunteers, wanting to help this amazing school out. These staff members work their booties off and, as a daughter of a teacher, I know their pay isn't the best for all that they do. Being a starter group, we didn't (and don't) have much money to buy wonderful things to spoil them by. So, last year when I was President, I suggested that at the end of every six week grading period, we feed the staff. Each grading period, we would do something different. Well, once we realized we weren't moving, I contacted my friend who is the current President, and said I'd love to continue doing the Staff Appreciation Events (hence, I'm in charge of Event Planning and Hospitality).
Enter Pinterest. I saw a few great ideas for a Hot Cocoa Bar. What a neat idea when the volunteers won't have much time to bake extra cookies, casseroles, etc! After setting out an online donation list (I love our PTA website!), a few of us met yesterday, melted chocolates, and dipped spoons, candy canes, marshmallows, and pretzels. We had leftover cookies (that we froze) from another crazy thing we do at this school (try organizing over 900 cookies being donated? It's crazy!). We bought different Ghiradelli hot cocoas. We crushed candy canes and sprinkled sugar on anything that stood still. Today, we decorated the large staff lounge, blasted some Christmas tunage, and set out our spread. Our trusty volunteers went into the classrooms, relieving teachers for a few minutes so they could grab a mug or cup of hot cocoa (as well as tea and Starbucks coffee!). It was SO much fun and I think the staff enjoyed it! Here are some pictures (taken by one of the teachers!):

Hot Cocoa spread and dipped candy canes

Hot cocoa and dipped pretzels.

Dipped marshmallows and dipped candy canes.

More goodies.

Dipped candy canes and marshmallows,
So, Pinterest Project #1 is finished. Kaput. Fini. Over. And it was a HUGE success!!!