I volunteer. A lot. Mostly, it involves my son's activities, school and swimming.
But, I feel like I should do more. Yes, I also need to be looking for a new job, but I want to volunteer more, too. Something for me.
So, I am doing some soul searching (and job hunting). Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks all!
You know... I have a good friend that used to live in Austin, but returned to Ireland some years ago. She worked with people with disabilities, teaching them to be self-sufficient, have confidence, and to be advocates for themselves. (She is also in a wheelchair.) You amaze me every day with your great attitude and the ease with which you talk to people about your disability. Would you be interested in something like what Leigh did? If so, I can get with her to find out info.
That would be great! Thanks!!!
<--- responding WAY late!
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