Today was an early release day for Mason. I am THANKFUL that it was an early release day because we had a horrible storm here last night. Hurricanes, hail, flash flooding. It was like the time of Moses. Needless to say, sleep was not plentiful in our home, so only having half of a day of school was perfect.
Like the nice mom that I am (yeah, right!), I emailed some friends to see if anyone wanted to join Mason and me at Jumpstreet, an indoor trampoline park. I wish I had known that they have free wi-fi. And I wish I had taken my earbudsso that I could stream something on Netflix. Because, if you can imagine, it's pretty difficult to actually READ at an indoor trampoline park. And it smells like sweaty kids. And feet.
But The Boy had a great time with his friends, so that is all that's important! And I got to people-watch.
The whole time there made me think. As parents, we all have to go places and do things that we don't necessarily want to do. It's part of the whole parenting-program we all chose. Some events are worse than others (my husband chaperoning a middle school dance, for example). I could have dropped The Boy off and ran to Target or Barnes and Noble. I would have rather preferred staying in my car, drinking Starbucks (no outside drinks in Jumpstreet!). But, I told my friends that I would be there, in case one of our kiddos needed something (which they did -- what did we DO before drink machines gave change back?). Just like my friends have been there to watch my kiddo.
Like we make our kids eat yucky vegetables at dinner, parents have to go yucky places that may smell like feet...
You are a grrreat mom :)
What a fun and groovy mom. I don't recall getting an invite, though ... kidding!
I saw your post about energy drinks too - do they have those in the drink machines?
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