I never watch talk shows. Ever. However, yesterday, I found myself drawn to watching Anderson Cooper's talk show just because I like him and it was on. Imagine my shock when I found out the first guest was a woman who WANTS to become a paraplegic. Click the link. Watch the video.
Let me repeat. This woman WANTS to be paralyzed and in a wheelchair.
She has gone as far as asking doctors to sever her spinal cord. And she goes skiing and hiking, in hopes that she will get in an accident that will lead to a spinal cord injury.
Apparently, there is a large group of people who suffer from what is called "Body Identity Integrity Disorder" (or BIID), a "condition" that leads people to want to be a paraplegic (I've looked online and can't find any cases of someone wanting to be a quad), an amputee, blind, or deaf.
What. The. Hell?
I am going to be judgmental because this is my blog and if you don't want to read my views on this specific subject, then please go away and come back tomorrow.
I cannot fathom anyone wanting to be disabled. On January 31 (my "accident anniversary"), I posted how I wouldn't go back and change the outcome of my accident ONLY because I would fear that it would change the choices I have made, therefor changing the outcome of my life. However, I would NOT want anyone to have to go through what I go through on an average day. This is, by no means, a blog entry wanting pity. I am the person I am today because of the challenges and obstacles I have faced. Just normal, everyday things can be harder. And what about the risks of kidney and bladder issues?? Or pressure sores??
This woman compared her disorder to a transgender person -- being born in the "wrong" body, but not one of the wrong sex, but of one without a disability. She also said how she likes how people help her when she's in her wheelchair. Is she in it for the pity? To feel needy? And I will scream if I ever find this woman collects disability (something I don't even qualify for).
I am just... sickened, I guess you could say. Why would someone WANT to be disabled? I guess there is a big difference if you can just stand up when going through security or to grab something from the top shelf at the grocery store.
So, what are your thoughts? Am I the only one who thinks this is ridiculous? I have a few friends who are therapists -- I hope that they weigh in on this.
Oh man, analysts could have a field day with this one. First off, I don't think it's anything like being transgendered. My guess is the base is either: 1. She wants the attention. 2. She feels she doesn't deserve a working body, or 3. She wants to punish herself for unconscious impulses (that's the psychoanalytic idea). Haven't done any reading on this because it's so rare and thankfully, haven't had any clients in my practice who have this. Some strong meds and some depth therapy might help her.
What a freaking lunatic.
I know this sounds sick, but I actually knew someone who wanted to be wheelchair-bound and actually did successfully cut off her leg herself... I know, gross... well, she got what she wanted, but is also in a mental hospital... true story... was not a friend, so please don't judge me :)
Wow. Certainly some mental health stuff going on here. I work mostly in trauma, so I often go to a place of thinking "what happened to her that got her to a place with these kinds of thoughts?" Was she not care for when she was a child? Did she not have a secure attachment to the adults in her life? It also sounds very attention based, especially highlighting that she wants people to help her and get "special attention." I would not liken it to identity disorders, personally.
In any case, I hope she's getting some help! Luckily, I've never had a case such as this!!!
Thanks for writing about it, very interesting. I'm going to do some more research!
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