1, Book our next Disney vacation.
Complete! We are now booked for a week in a two-bedroom villa at Saratoga Springs during our February break. I didn't add the Dining plan yet. Or purchase tickets yet. I know when I can book our dining. Like always, booking through Disney Vacation Club's Member Services is easy-peasy (though, IMO, booking Disney trips on your own is too!).
2. Complete reading Game of Thrones, Book One in a Song of Ice and Fire Series.
Did not complete. I did, however, get through most of the first season on Blu-ray. I still want to read the series, I just didn't yet.
3. Finish watching Season 1 of Sherlock (again).
Complete! Now, I am ready to start the second season.
4. Job hunt some more.
Still a work in progress. Obviously, I didn't find a job yet, but I have a more direct action-plan.
5. Go get sponsors for our middle school's 5K.
Didn't even begin. More on this later.
6. Finish St. Patrick's Day projects.
Did not complete. I wanted to make a shamrock button piece. I bought the supplies, I just didn't do it. Oh well. Next year!
7. Start Easter/Spring projects.
Complete, I suppose? I started. I did make an egg. And I cut out a bunch of things on my Silhouette machine to work on. So, I guess I did START some projects. Hey, I never said anything about finishing them!!!
8. Spend time with my three favorite boys.
Sort of completed.
Mark had Tuesday-Sunday off, so that was great. We did do some fun things as a family, however our Break began with Mason getting sick. He was fine by Tuesday, however had ever so nicely passed those germs onto me and I am just today finely returning to the world of the living. So, I had planned to go out and get sponsors (especially on Monday, while Mark worked), but we just couldn't.
Though I didn't finish reading Game of Thrones, I did, however, finish reading another great book. When She Woke is written by Hilary Jordan and is a modern re-telling of The Scarlet Letter, taking place in the dystopian future. Instead of the main character wearing a scarlet "A," however, her entire body is "chromed," or dyed red. It is really an amazing book (especially very relevant with today's government choices regarding the female body and abortion).
So, that was our Spring Break. Lots of tissues and Nyquil was used. And, sadly, we only watched one episode of Season 6 of Doctor Who. However, we played 48394587 games of Draw Something. That counts for something, right?
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