Tuesday, January 31, 2012


January 31.

It was the day that changed my life. I can remember bits and pieces so vividly, like it was just yesterday instead of thirty-one year ago.

January 31. Thirty-one years ago.

People have asked if I could go back in time and change things, would I? Of course not. Everything happens for a reason. If I changed that one event, would my life match up to what it is today? I wouldn't want to chance that. I love my life.

Thirty-one years later, I am happy. Thirty-one years later, I have this amazing family that I love with all of my heart. I have a husband who I fall more and more in love with each day. I have a son who is a great kid, gets amazing grades (just found out he's getting a 100 in 9th Grade Science - boo-yah!), and is more sensitive to others maybe a little bit because of me. I have this Wondermutt who acts SO! EXCITED! TO! SEE! ME!! every time I come out of the bathroom. I have a loving mother who still makes me peanut butter toast when I'm sick and hangs out with me when I need girl-time. Thirty-one years later, I have friends -- lord, do I have tons of friends! -- who I know will be there for me forever.

I am blessed. No matter what happened thirty-one years ago today, I truly am blessed.

Then - at my third birthday party.
Then - on my third Christmas. Almost one month before the accident.

Now - with Mason at the Tidal Waves Pep Rally
Now - with Mark at Ben and Samar's wedding.
Now - with Mom at Flip Happy.

Now - with the Naumann's at Epcot.
Now - with my girlfriends also known as the Pentagon of Trust.
Now - with friends in awful 80s wear! ;-)

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