I am going for it -- NaBloPoMo. 29 days. Blogging everyday. Can I do it? I'm sure going to try!!!
Today's writing prompt seemed easy: Tell us about your mother.
Today's writing prompt seemed easy: Tell us about your mother.
On September 22, 19... Just kidding. I'm not going to give her life story. Let's just say she was born to two wonderful parents who turned out to be fantastic grandparents (oh, how I miss them!). She is the oldest of three. She is a retired third grade teacher. She was on the Kent State University swim team and last year FINALLY received her varsity letter for it. She loves watching Ohio State sports and shopping at Kohls.
Those are some of the basics.
But, my mom is so much more.
When I was in fifth grade, I needed to have spinal surgery. Because bone wasn't tested for HIV then, it was recommended that I have a family member donate some. ON HER BIRTHDAY, my mom was strapped into what sounds like a horrific torture device and had part of her hip bone CHISELED out. For me. A few weeks later would start a monthly hospital stay for me where I, in a morphine-induced stupor wouldn't allow her to talk to me for the ten minutes she was given to visit me each hour in ICU. Some way to repay such a sacrifice, huh?
She took us on vacations (which always had to have some sort of educational value -- we couldn't just go to the beach). She frenchbraided our hair. She cheered all of us at our games/meets. She always knew the answers to help us with homework.
About a year and a half ago, Mark and I asked her if she'd like to move in with us once she retired. She had wanted to sell our big house on Willard Street and move South to Texas since my oldest sister and I live here. It only made sense for her to move in with us. Right now, as we again prepare to sell our house, it's not the ideal situation. She went from this huge five bedroom house to a single bedroom. At the house we are going to build, she'll have her own wing. It's giving her freedom to fly to Ohio to visit my other sister (she spent 2 1/2 months there this summer) and it's so nice to have her here.
I have someone to watch musicals with. And Grey's Anatomy. I have someone to go shopping with. I have someone to take walks with.
Anyway, I could go on-and-on about my mom. She really is an amazing person. All of my friends down here know her as "Mama Sue." She loves to help out at PTA events (even offered to help at our dance, god bless her soul, being stuck at the ring toss/lollipop tree area) and has become a taxi to Mason and other neighbor kids to-and-from school.
My mom? She's a pretty cool chick! ;-) Love ya, Mom!!
Mom and I during my hospital stay, after she donated part of her hip.

I think her favorite role -- as Grandma! Here she is with a lap full of one year old babies (Jacci, Mason, and Maddie - all born within four months of each other!) and Alec!

More silly faces -- this time with Mason, Connor, and Jacci (my sister Shelly's kiddos)

My mom got her Master's degree with Ms. Nolt and my Aunt Izzy.

My mom at her retirement party with some of her co-workers, Mrs. Baughman, Mrs. Noe, and Ms. Nolt.

In her element - reading to a classroom full of third graders.
I love you, Mom!!!!
AWW! This gave me goosebumps to read!! She IS an amazing woman, so happy I had the chance to grow with her as my teacher, neighbor, and friends mom :) Give her a big hug for me!
What a sweet post!
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