Day 6 of NaBloMoPo - Monday, February 6, 2012 -- Tell us about your grandparents.
I have two amazing angels, watching me from above. They showed me love, independence, strength, and so much more. I miss them so deeply, each and every day.
My grandparents. So many stories I could share. So many memories. They were always there. I saw them almost every day growing up. They were just… always present. All throughout my childhood…
My grandmother and I always watched Gone with the Wind together. We drank tea and looked through sewing patterns. My grandfather had a quiet sense of humor, always wishing us a "Happy Buzzard's Day" on Thanksgiving. Every Christmas, they would wake up early and come watch us open presents before we spent the entire day at their house. I always used to spend the night before Thanksgiving with them, sleeping while they woke up before dawn to put the turkey in the oven, and watch the Macy's parade with them. Every hospital stay, they were there. They took all of their grandchildren on their first trip to Disney World. They cheered (sometimes yelling at the refs, in Grandma's case!) us on at all of our sporting events -- yes, even "boring swimming." We vacationed all over with them. They just were always there...
My grandfather left us first. He had been sick, but we didn’t know he was that sick. I can’t explain it, but I had this strange dream the night he passed. I woke up, feeling like I need to go back home. To see him. My mom called me and I just knew. He was gone.
Grandma was different. I had been at work when I got a call. She was in the hospital and not doing well. I went home, packed, and rode home with my sister, Shelly. We went straight to the hospital and when we entered her room, she called for me. One last time. My mom, aunt, sister, and I spent the entire evening with her. I held her hand the whole time. That morning, she was gone. One minute, she was there, but then not. Her hand didn’t grow cold. It just went from life… to death.
I have a recipe box full of Grandma’s recipes. I have Christmas ornaments and a nativity that Grandpa made for me. But most importantly, my husband, son, and I have many memories of these fantastic people who we adored.

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