Day 26 of NaBloPoMo and I remodeled the blog. What do you think?
First things first... if you are reading this blog, can you do me a favor and start following it? Over on the right margin, half-way down is a link-a-roo on how to do that. I would love to have 10 followers by the end of the week. Please, please, please?
So, I am a nail polish junkie. I do not go and get a manicure, like ever. I just can't do it. My nails are pretty strong and healthy and they grow pretty darn quickly. I've had tips done before and hated it. I think because I use my hands all of the time for mobility, I was worried of breaking them off.
Anyway, I paint my nails. A lot. And I like some funky colors. So, my slight obsessions for this Sunday are some of my favorite nail polishes.
I love this polish by Sally Hansen. You aren't supposed to need a base or top coat (but I always add a top coat, at least. If it's red, I add a base coat to prevent staining). This color is Pat on the Black. In this picture, it looks black. It's not. It is a very dark wine and I LOVE it. I love when my nails are painted a dark color, especially.
This is Sally Hansen's Complete Salon Manicure in Navy Baby. As the name states, it's navy blue. Again, I love wearing dark colors. This polish goes on nice and thick. Not gloopy or thin. I usually do two coats, only to ensure full coverage, but one coat could be enough. This is true on all of the Complete Salon Manicure polishes that I have tried (which is probably 20 of them. I said I was slightly obsessed!).
Lastly for the Sally's Complete Salon Manicure polishes is Commander in Chic. This is a purpley-gray-ish-brown color and, again, I absolutely love it. This is a great fall-and-winter color (though I will wear it during all seasons, if I really want!).
I adore China Glaze's For Audrey. Another obsession of mine is the movie Breakfast at Tiffany's and this blue is the perfect Tiffany-blue. I actually prefer China Glaze's polish over most brands (I'm talking about you, OPI). Again, not gloopy and nice and thick. Love love love the polish and adore this color.
Remember how everyone was using crackle nail polishes last year? Ugh. I hated that trend. It looked like a bad faux-finish. The new trend, I think, will be magnetic nail polish. I bought this fabulous color (Velvet Groove Magneffect by Layla) at Ulta. I actually watched a Youtube video to best understand how best to apply it. It looks better if you apply two coats, IMO. And this polish is AWESOME! It is ridiculously expensive, but it's fun and I love it and I am going to wear it all of the time. It dries quickly, with a nice finish. And the magnetic effects are SO fun to play with! I like that I can change the direction of the magnetic effect (horizontal, diagonal, and vertical stripes).
So, want to know a nail polish home manicure secret? Sally Hansen's Insta-Dry Anti-Chip Top Coat is AMAZING!!! This stuff is SO thick and is the best insta-dry I have ever used (and I've tried a bunch!). Getting my nails to try quickly is a huge deal for me because I depend on my hands so much. I can't be waiting around for hours, waiting for polishes to dry. This stuff is a miracle worker. I love it.

As I mentioned before, China Glaze is coming out with a new line of polishes for the Hunger Games movie (I'm obsessed with that book series, too!), the Capitol Colours collection. The wonderful blog, AllLaqueredUp, did an amazing write-up of all the new colors, each based on Panem's 12 District's exports. My favorites that I am most excited to wear are:
Dress Me Up represents District 8 and their textiles. It's a nice, pale pink. Surprisingly, I don't have a similar color to this in my polish arsenal.
Fast Track represents District 6 and transportation. It's a fun kind of neutral. I can't wait.
Want to know a secret about Foie Gras (representing District 10 and lifestock)? Online, it reminds me of the aforementioned Commander in Chic. So, when I go to purchase it, I plan on WEARING Commander in Chic. If it is too close, I may not even purchase it. I think it's darker, so if it is, I will definitely be adding this to my collection.

Harvest Moon represents District 9 and Grain. It's a nice coppery, orangeish color. Love.

Agro represents Agriculture in District 11 and I love the olive green metallic color. This is probably my #2 favorite polish in the collection.
Finally is Riveting representing the technology from District 3. When I saw this color, I squealed. This is my absolute favorite color of the collection and I wants it. I needs it. My precious! Ok. Sorry. But, I think I may write how obsessed I am just on this color once I get it. Isn't it just PRETTY?
I plan on buying the entire collection. I like them all. Well, there is only ONE that I really don't like -- Mahogany Magic. Ick. It looks like... well... poop. I want to see it up close, but I doubt I will purchase that one.
So, another Sunday is over. Hope you all had a fantastic weekend!
I don't show up on the side, but I am follower. I get your updates on my Google Reader :)
I love your polish selections and am too slightly obsessed with my nails. I even paint them at work when I am on long phone calls with indecisive people!
I've not tried the Sally Hansen stuff though and will definitely have to.
If you ever want to borrow a polish to try, let me know! Again - I love that Sally line! :)
Thanks for following!
I don't know how to become a follower, but I do read it via Facebook....
I'm a nailpolish junkie too...
Cathy W
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