When we first moved to Austin, Mason played hockey. Surprisingly, hockey is not nearly as popular in Texas as it was in Ohio. In order for Mason to be competitive in what would be comparable to Little League baseball, we'd have to travel every weekend (at least three hours away -- sometimes across the whole state). So, we discussed it as a family and decided that hockey would not be the best sport for him to play.
However, we wanted him to do SOME kind of sport. He had tried soccer. He didn't care to play football, baseball, or basketball (thank goodness!). When I suggested swimming, he got excited. He started at Nitro, which is THE BEST swim center in all of Texas (which is a huge deal, since there are amazing swim centers/teams in Texas). We love Nitro. He's been there since third grade.
A year later, we found about a local summer league, the Tidal Waves. Mason was excited to join. We've returned every summer since! We LOVE Tidal Waves. Last summer, when we were anticipating the big move (but have since Stayed Put), some of our hardest goodbyes to say were to our Tidal Waves friends.
Last summer, one of Mason's best friends joined (as well as his three sisters). This summer, two of Mason's other best friends' (confused yet) siblings are joining as well as a few more friends. We are SO excited for this season. Plus -- our two favorite Michaels (well besides, Michael Phelps!) are back to coach the team!
Here are some fun photos of our past summers with the Tidal Waves.
Here are some fun photos of our past summers with the Tidal Waves.
Mason's first practice as a Tidal Wave. Doesn't he look so little? He was 9.
(On a side note, his teeth? Were horrible! The best money ever spent was to have Dr. Barnett fix him up!)

Second season (11 years old).

Second season - professional picture. Awesome, huh?
Second season.

Last summer (12 years old).
Third season.

Towards the end of every season, we have a pep rally where the kiddos can throw a pie in their coaches' faces. Here, Mason threw a pie at Coach Michael (our new head coach!) and Coach Taylor pied Mason since this was (supposed to be) his last season as a Wave.
Mason with both Michaels. And pie.

And then my little stinker got ME with pie!

Our male coaches are so awesome, they get pedicures to show team spirit. hehe.

How they really feel about him. Just kidding - I made them pose for this!

I was on the Board of Directors last season. Here is Mason and Coach Michael with the other Board member kiddos.